Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sammy Slug

Goldwork is one of my favorite needlework techniques and slugs are not my favorite, so I put them together to make Sammy.

I don't know why, but I was looking at the shape of a slug and thought it would be a great goldwork project.  I started working on it at the Bellevue Art Museum at the open stitching day in the lobby.  It was really fun to spend the day with other stitchers in the museum.  

The visitors would stop by to see what we were doing.  The ladies would ask it I was making a bird of paradise or a snail and the men would say you are making a slug. I think this was the fun part for me to have people guessing what I was doing.

After finishing Sammy I did a little research and discovered he would like to eat strawberries.

I hope the next slug you have in your yard will remind you of Sammy!

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